Lashing chain; chain quality class: 8; parallel hook with CFS fork head; length : 3,500 mm
• Type: 1-parted lashing chain
• Ratchet tensioner: DoRa
• End fittings: GS-DD fork head hook
• Shortening hook with safety catch
• Lashing capacity (LC) : 10,000 daN
• Standard tension force (STF): 1500 daN
• Length: 3,500 mm
• black chain
• Grade 8
• Nominal size 13
• Standard: EN 12195-3
Article no.: 13-19401001-003500-001
Product information
Our lashing chain with the patented ratchet tensioner ‘DoRa’ is our further development of the proven chain tensioner. Compared to conventional ratchet tensioners, the DoRa offers almost twice the tensioning range. This enables you as a user to save time. The DoRa has to be retensioned much less frequently in daily use than a conventional ratchet tensioner. The DoRa also shows its advantages in tight spaces. Despite its long tensioning path, it offers a compact design thanks to the interlocking threads. The DoRa 100 achieves a lashing capacity of 10000 daN, with a standard tension force of 1500 daN.
See for yourself the advantages of our DoRa, or delve deeper into the subject matter using our YouTube video.
Additional information
Technical product information
EAN | 4032378271887 |
Ausführung Kette | schwarz |
Ausführung Zurrkette | Spann-Zurrkette |
Beschreibung | Dolezych Spann-Zurrkette; DIN EN 12195-3; zulässige Zugkraft (LC): 10.000 daN; Ketten-Nenngröße: 13; Ketten-Güteklasse: 8; Parallelhaken mit Gabelkopf CFS; Nennlänge L1: 3.500 mm |
Ketten-Güteklasse | 8 |
Ketten-Nenngröße | 13 |
Kettentyp | Rundstahlkette |
Nennlänge L1 | 3500 mm |
Norm | DIN EN 12195-3 |
Verkürzung Kettenstrang 1 | Parallelhaken mit Gabelkopf CFS |
Werkstoff | Stahl |
zusätzliches Verbindungsmittel 1 | GS Haken |
zusätzliches Verbindungsmittel 2 | GS Haken |
zulässige Zugkraft (LC) | 10.000 daN |